Curriculum Overview and Plans
KS3 (Years 7, 8 and 9)
In year 7 students are currently taught in tutor groups for some of their lessons or in different groupings for others. For many lessons they will be taught in mixed abilities, although some, such as English or Maths there will be an element of ability groupings. Students will study one of French, German or Spanish during KS3. All students will also study one lesson of design technology and one lesson of food technology each fortnight. Many students will also have the opportunity to study dance during the year. The year group is split into two balanced halves.
In years 8 and 9 students will continue to be taught in mixed ability groups in some of their lessons. In a number of subjects, including English, maths, science and humanities there is also some setting to ensure the most able are sufficiently challenged. All students will also study one lesson of design technology and one lesson of food technology each fortnight
A comprehensive PSHE programme is covered throughout a student’s time in school. Dedicated time is given during the morning tutor session for much of the programme, with other aspects of the work being covered within subjects.
During year 9 students will also be given careers and subject advice and guidance in preparation for choosing their options for KS4.
In each year all students will study the following subjects:
Physical Education and Dance
MFL, (French, German or Spanish)
Design Technology
Food Preparation and Nutrition (Recipe Book - Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9)
Computing (earphones will be needed for one of the modules they will be covering for sound editing)
PSHE (through tutor time and subjects)
Students in year 9 can also have the opportunity to begin studying astronomy as an extra-curricular subject
KS4 (Years 10 and 11)
At Key Stage 4 all students follow a core curriculum taking 60% of their teaching time.
They will study GCSEs in:
English Language and English Literature
Science Combined/Separate (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) Sciences
Religious Education
Additional time will also be given to the following non-examined subjects:
Core PE (non-examined)
PSHE (through tutor time and subjects)
They will also pick 4 options from the following. The majority of students will be expected to pick at least one of history and geography, along with Spanish, German or French (it is expected that a student will have experience of the language they choose).
Art ASDAN Business Studies Computer Science Construction Dance Design Technology Drama Economics |
*Food Preparation and Nutrition Nutrition French Geography German Hair & Beauty Studies Health and Social Care History |
ICT Media Studies Music Music Practitioner Photography Physical Education Sociology Spanish |
*GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition Booklet - Year 10 and Year 11
Some students will also study GCSE statistics and/or Additional Mathematics FSMQ. Other students may sit entry level qualifications in year 10 as a precursor to GCSEs.
Further information can be found on the curriculum plans or in the options booklet.
KS5 (Years 12 and 13)
A varied programme of subjects is offered in the sixth form which allow a number of pathways to be followed and the opportunity to continue studies at University.
In year 12 students normally pick 3 options- (view the course information here) from the list along with taking part in enrichment (including DoE) and volunteering activities. Some students will also complete an extended project during the two years. Students who take maths A level can also study Further Maths, and this may be one of their 3 main A levels, or count as a 4th A level.
For further information regarding the opportunities at Springwood Sixth Form please click here.
Curriculum Plans - Individual Subject Overviews and Learning Journeys
Please click on each subject to view the Curriculum Plans for all Key Stages.