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Any enquiries about CEIAG at Springwood High School should be directed to our Careers Lead

Careers Lead: Mrs Nicky Thompson 
Telephone Number: 01553 773393


The Careers Team

All teachers at Springwood High School are teachers of careers and our Careers Programme is overseen by our Career Lead.



Any enquiries about CEIAG should be directed to our Careers Lead Nicky Thompson at

Our Careers Vision 

Widening horizons, challenging stereotypes and raising aspirations to improve the life chances of all our students.

Our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Programme will encourage all students to aim higher and explore engaging and rewarding careers through:

Widening horizons: Many students in Norfolk only see traditional career paths in agriculture, tourism and manufacturing and they risk missing opportunities in high-growth fields such as clean energy, digital technology and creative industries.  In addition, Norfolk has traditionally seen lower rates of students applying to competitive universities, partly due to limited exposure and support for these pathways.

Challenging stereotypes: Students could be swayed by some of the common myths or stereotypes they hear from friends, family, or the media and fail to explore all the pathways open to them, e.g. believing that apprenticeships are only for people who don’t do well at school.

Raising aspirations: CEIAG supports social mobility, especially for students from disadvantaged backgrounds who may lack networks or role models. Providing equal access to information and resources can help all students to visualise pathways that align with their personal ambitions and the career opportunities in Norfolk and further afield.

Our Careers Programme

Our Careers Programme is designed to equip students to make well-informed decisions about their education and career goals, to grow their own networks and to build essential skills for life and work. We use our alumni and contacts with local employers, parents and education providers to help students understand where different choices can take them in the future.

The programme is informed by the Gatsby Benchmarks which set the standard for excellent careers provision.

Careers is delivered through a combination of ‘Futures’ themed Super Learning Days, careers fairs, careers assemblies, tutor time activities, curriculum-based learning, workplace visits, university and college visits and evening events for parents.

All members of staff at Springwood High School are engaged in the delivery of CEIAG through year group activities and by embedding careers in the curriculum:

Year 7 (careers foundation):

  • To encourage students to explore their interests, skills and competencies
  • To begin to develop essential skills for life and work
  • To develop a broad understanding of the world of work by participating in Year group challenges and industrial awareness activities
  • To identify career paths through curriculum activities and visits

Year 8 (careers foundation):

  • To encourage students to explore a variety of work environments and career pathways
  • To further develop essential skills for life and work
  • To develop a broad understanding of the world of work by participating in Year group challenges and industrial awareness activities
  • To identify career paths through curriculum activities and visits

Year 9 (transition to KS4 and CEIAG):

  • To raise aspirations and challenge stereotypes by exploring careers options in more detail as they approach GCSE decision-making
  • To provide opportunities for multiple employer and provider encounters – developing an understanding of different post-16 pathways (including apprenticeships, T-levels, BTECs and A levels)
  • To identify career paths through curriculum activities and visits

Year 10 (CEIAG)

  • To encourage students to develop their own future education and career goals
  • To investigate the key employment sectors in Norfolk and the career opportunities in our local area
  • To provide further opportunities for multiple employer and provider encounters – developing an understanding of different post-16 pathways (including apprenticeships, T-levels, BTECs and A levels)
  • To identify career paths through curriculum activities and visits
  • To provide opportunities for students to experience the world of work through virtual and face to face work experience, work shadowing and volunteering
  • To provide personalised guidance via a qualified Careers Adviser

Year 11 (transition to post 16 destinations)

  • To encourage students to review their own future education and career goals and finalise post-16 destination
  • To support students through application and interview processes for Sixth Form, FE Colleges and/or apprenticeships
  • To provide personalised guidance via a qualified Careers Adviser

Sixth Form (transition to post 18 destinations)

  • To encourage students to develop their own future education and career goals
  • To investigate the key employment sectors in Norfolk and the career opportunities in our local area
  • To provide further opportunities for multiple employer and provider encounters – developing an understanding of different post-18 pathways (including degree and higher-level apprenticeships, degrees and HNDs)
  • To identify career paths through curriculum activities and visits
  • To provide opportunities for students to experience the world of work through virtual and face to face work experience, work shadowing and volunteering
  • To support students through application and interview processes for Higher Education establishments and/or apprenticeships
  • To provide personalised guidance via Progress Tutors and a qualified Careers Adviser

Careers Policy - To follow in due course.

Careers Framework by Year Group - to view click here 

Careers Learning Journey by Group:

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13


Careers Partners

We are delighted to be working closely with a number of partner organisations to deliver our Careers Programme.

Our partners support a wide range of careers activities from Careers Fairs to workshops and work experience opportunities. As a result, students are inspired to choose career pathways they might not have considered previously:

Mapus-Smith and Lemmon

Maxey Grounds

Department for Work and Pensions


Our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Programme invites you to aim higher and explore a wide range of engaging and rewarding careers when you leave school.

Post 16 pathways are what you do after you finish your GCSEs. By law, you are required to 'be in education' until you turn 18.  This can be studying full-time: academic or vocational routes.  Or it can be an apprenticeship or job with training, because you are still attending 'education'. The full-time academic route at 16 is A Levels and the full-time vocational routes include BTECs and T Levels. Alternatively, you can start on the applied or work route with a Level 1, 2 or 3 Apprenticeship.

Post 18 pathways are what you do after A levels, T levels, BTECs or Apprenticeships and can include Degrees, Higher National Diplomas or Higher or Degree level Apprenticeships.

See the different pathways below.

Exploring Qualification and Career Pathways

During your time at school and/or Sixth Form you will take part in a wide range of activities to help you explore your future options including using Unifrog, learning about careers linked to the subjects you are studying and careers events where you can meet employers, colleges and universities.

You can also explore your choices using these websites:

National Careers Service – has a comprehensive careers website with job profiles, outlining: the skills and qualifications required, main tasks, pay levels and career prospects for hundreds of different jobs. In addition, it provides valuable guidance on the different stages involved in getting a job

Help you Choose is the information, advice and careers guidance website for young people in Norfolk. It is also where you can apply for your next destination after GCSEs

Springpod has partnered with the Department for Education to provide more detail on pathways including A levels, T levels, BTECs, HNCs and HNDs and different levels of apprenticeships

Find out more about academic qualifications here:

Springwood High School - Sixth Form

Applying | Undergraduate | UCAS

Find out more about vocational qualifications here:

T Levels

About BTEC - Pearson BTEC

Higher Technical Qualification (HTQ): an introduction - GOV.UK

Find out more about apprenticeships here:

Become an apprentice

Apprenticeships | Learn About Apprenticeships And Find The Right One For You

Amazing Apprenticeships


It is widely recognised that parents and carers are one of the most powerful influences on a young person’s career and education decision-making. However, it can be difficult to fully understand the variety of pathways which lead to different occupations, and you may not feel fully informed about all education routes and the reality of modern-day jobs and industries.

The landscape of technical education is also undergoing significant change, including the introduction of T-levels. So, as well as ensuring that young people have access to high quality career guidance, we recognise that parents also need up to date information on the different pathways and career options available.

When your child finishes Year 11, there are several different routes they can choose. This period of their education is called “Post-16”. The route they take depends mostly upon their future career or job aspirations but the most common routes taken are:

  • Study full-time on an academic or vocational course
  • Start an apprenticeship
  • Work or volunteer full-time with part-time study or training

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Please note: Young people in England are required by law to stay in education or training until aged 18. This is called the Raising Participation Age.


If your child stays on to do A Levels at Springwood Sixth Form or goes elsewhere, there are several different routes they can choose to pursue at the end of Year 13 or “Post-18”. The most common routes taken are:

  • Going to University (Higher Education)
  • Start an apprenticeship (higher or degree level)
  • Taking a 'Gap Year' (volunteering, travelling or finding a temporary job)

Talking Futures is a website for parents designed to help you start conversations about future education and career goals with your child.

Parents and carers will also have the opportunity to engage in careers activities in school at key decision making points:

Year 9 ‘Guided Choices’ Parents Evening - making informed decisions about GCSE choices

Year 11 ‘Help you Choose’ Parents Evening - making informed choices about post 16 destinations

Year 12 ‘Welcome to Sixth Form’ Parents Evening - CEIAG programme for Sixth Formers

Year 13 ‘Post 18’ Parents Evenings - finding out more about UCAS or apprenticeship applications

Parents are also welcome to attend our annual Futures Careers Fair which takes place in October.

Our termly Careers Newsletter provides an overview of our Careers Programme in action.

Any enquiries about CEIAG should be directed to our Careers Lead Nicky Thompson at

Businesses and Employers

The UK labour market is increasingly complex and competitive, and the current generation of young people face big challenges in making informed decisions about their futures.

Widen horizons, challenge stereotypes and raise aspirations

Research has shown that employer engagement can help young people to explore, clarify and confirm career choices and give them the chance to access ‘relevant, trusted information’ about the availability of local employment opportunities and their suitability for a potential job.

It can also reduce the chances of students becoming ‘not in employment, education or training’ (NEET) and helps tackle gender and other stereotyping from an early age.  Children come into school with assumptions about jobs and careers which have emerged out of their own day to day experiences: experiences which are routinely shaped by their gender, ethnicity, social class and who they know.

We are very keen to engage with businesses and employers to help us widen the horizons of students, dispel any myths they might have about particular industries and to help them explore the local and national employment opportunities available to them.

We are looking for support with:

  • Careers talks for assemblies and tutor groups
  • Careers exhibitions
  • Industrial awareness projects
  • Employability skills
  • Work experience
  • Work shadowing

See our programme of careers opportunities for more information. Our termly Careers Newsletter also provides an overview of our Careers Programme in action.

Benefits to you

Businesses say working with schools is helping close skills gaps and is cutting recruitment costs. It can help you develop and diversify talent pipelines whilst also developing new skills for your staff and building a positive profile for your company.

We have 16 and 18 year old school leavers who are actively looking for apprenticeship and employment opportunities. If you are interested in talking to students about specific vacancies, please let us know.

If you would like to get involved, or wish to advertise any apprenticeship vacancies through Springwood High School or Sixth Form, then please contact our Careers Lead Nicky Thompson at


At Springwood High School all of our teachers are ‘teachers of careers’. Our programme is delivered through a blended curriculum with teachers involved in delivery as Form Tutors and Subject Teachers.

As Form Tutors you are trusted individuals who develop strong relationships with your  tutees so you  are often the first point of contact when students are exploring their post 16 or post 18 options. 1-1 support and mentoring meetings are ideal opportunities to discuss personal career ambitions with students and the pathways to realise them. You can also refer students to our qualified Careers Adviser when additional guidance is needed.

As Subject Teachers you are bringing your subjects to life by linking curriculum content with Labour Market Information and the career roles and skills for work associated with your subjects. For example, STEM subject teachers can highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of future career paths.

This is important because:

  • Subject teachers are highly influential – students are 18 times more likely to be motivated to learn if their teachers can link the knowledge being taught, and the transferable skills students are developing, to their personal ambitions
  • Teachers highlighting the relevance of their subject to future careers and opportunities creates social capital for young people with more limited networks
  • Careers education can lead to better student outcomes, while also raising aspirations and increasing engagement with education

Teachers are encouraged to:

  • link careers to their subject documentation (schemes of work, lesson plans and resources) and display career materials in their classrooms
  • draw on their own experiences of the world of work, and different education and career pathways, to inspire students
  • invite alumni and other external speakers to come into school to widen horizons
  • organise external visits to local businesses and workplaces to help students build their own networks and essential skills for life and work
  • deliver industrial awareness challenges for students with a local businesses
  • challenge stereotyping by promoting role models

To support you to become a ‘teacher of careers’ there is a CPD programme and a ‘Careers Hub’ Google Classroom which signposts you to the latest CEIAG resources.

Any enquiries about CEIAG should be directed to Careers Lead Nicky Thompson at 

Careers News and Events 

Please click here to view our latest News and Events 

Labour Market Information

Labour Market Information (LMI) outlines the career opportunities available in an area, including the types and levels of jobs, the number of people needed in these jobs and the skills and qualification levels required. This can help students make informed choices about future employment and study options.

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Norfolk Labour Market Profile

The sectors that employ the most people in Norfolk are health and care, financial and business services, retail, catering, hospitality and tourism, manufacturing and education. However, the world of work is always changing and new jobs are being created all the time.  We are likely to see increased demand for people who have digital creative and information technology skills. Growth sectors for the future include low carbon and ecosystem conservation.

Find out more about the Labour Market Profile for Norfolk here Labour Market Profile - Norfolk

Norfolk Work and Skills Booklet

Norfolk County Council has produced information about the key sectors in Norfolk and the types of jobs available now and into the future - including salary expectations and the skills and qualifications required. The guide is designed to help students to prepare for the world of work and plan for the future Norfolk Work & Skills

National and Sector Specific LMI

The changing nature of the job market in the UK is important to understand as many of the jobs young people will be doing in the future may not have been invented yet!

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More information on LMI can be found here:

LMI For All



Provider Access

Springwood High School believes in giving Further Education, Higher Education and a wide range of technical and apprenticeship training providers the opportunity to talk to students at the school. In line with the introduction of the Provider Access Legislation, our policy has been updated and approved by our Governing Body.

Provider Access Statement

Work with us

If you are a college, work-based learning provider or university and would like to work with us on our Careers programme, please do not hesitate to contact us.  We are looking for support with:

  • Assembly talks
  • Student workshops
  • Careers fairs
  • Campus tours
  • Subject based experience days

See our programme of careers opportunities for more information.

Any enquiries about our careers policy or programme should be directed to our Careers Lead Nicky Thompson at


Springwood High School assesses the impact of its CEIAG programme by completing an annual evaluation against the Gatsby Benchmarks on Compass+. Annual student surveys and analysis of destination data also takes place. In addition, the views of students, employers and parents will be surveyed after key CEIAG events.

The Compass+ Evaluation Reports measure our overall performance against the Gatsby Benchmarks and highlights areas for inclusion in our 3-year Careers Action Plan.

Student Feedback is captured through annual Future Skills Questionnaires. They show us where our careers programme is having the most impact and also where we could improve our provision. 

Employer Feedback is captured following major careers events.  We are pleased that employers find these events a useful way of promoting sectors and engaging with the workforce of tomorrow:

"The whole event was brilliantly organised and everything ran smoothly. We got to meet a lot of students, had some really good conversations and also met other local employers and organisations who are interested in working with schools, sharing best practice. We would love to come back again next time!!" One Traveller

"The event was very well organised. I particularly liked the way the pupils came through in year groups, as differences in both pupils thinking about future careers and questions changed with each year. The prompt sheet of questions and the colour stamping provided a great introductory question for those less confident,which then allowed conversations to progress." Aviva

Links to more information

Looking for a university course?

Looking for an apprenticeship opportunity or job vacancy?

Looking for a career in a specific industry sector?

Agriculture and Land Based Careers - Careers - Lantra

Business Administration - What is Business Administration? | Pitman Training

Construction and the Built Environment Careers - Go Construct

Financial Services Careers - Financial services - Career Path Sector Guide

Food Manufacturing and Catering and Hospitality Careers - Tasty Careers

Health Careers - NHS Health Careers

ICT and Digital Creative Careers - Pathways into digital careers

Manufacturing Careers - Become An Apprentice| Make UK

Public Sector Careers - Professions | Civil Service Careers WORKING IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT

Retail Careers - Retail Careers - Youth Employment UK

Screen Industries Careers - Careers Resources - Into Film

Social Care - Think Care Careers

STEM Careers - Destination STEM

Transport and Logistics - CILT(UK) > Careers > Online Careers Service > Career Pathways > Logistics Management

Careers Newsletters

Please click here to view our latest Newsletters.

Any enquiries about CEIAG should be directed to our Careers Lead Nicky Thompson at