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Applied Science

“The aims of pure basic science, unlike those of applied science, are neither fast-flowing nor pragmatic. The quick harvest of applied science is the useable process, the medicine, the machine. The shy fruit of pure science is understanding”

Lincoln Barnett

The course builds upon all three of the sciences focussing on broadening your understanding and application of science. You will look into the main principles of Chemistry, study the structure and function of cells in Biology and work with waves in the Physics part of the course.  

The course content is similar to and in some cases extends beyond, that covered at A-level.

Unit 1 -  Principles and Applications of Science I - including biology, chemistry and physics

Unit 2 - Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques

Unit 3 - Science Investigation Skills

Optional Unit - a choice of one from seven differing topics - Disease and Infection is currently used

Units 1 and 2 are completed during Year 12 while Unit 3 and the optional unit are completed      during Year 13

Entry Requirements 

A minimum of grade 4 in Maths and English Lang plus at least 3 other GCSEs at grade 5

Subject Specific Requirements

Students will also require a grade 5 in any Science and a 4 In Maths.


Unit 1 is run in a similar way to GCSE science— externally assessed (exam) at the end of the year in June.

Unit 2 is internally assessed through a range of investigations and the surrounding scientific knowledge (coursework), there are four areas that make up unit 2.

Both Unit 1 and Unit 2 have equal value towards the final grade (90 credits each)

Unit 3 is externally assessed (exam) and is completed during a set window of time as decided by Pearson’s. It is based around practical work completed and is worth 120 credits.

The optional unit is assessed internally and runs in the same way as Unit 2 does. It is worth 90     credits.

A total of 360 credits is available and a grading of Pass (P), Merit (M), Distinction (D) or Distinction* (D*) is awarded at the end of the course.

Future Applications 

The requirements of the qualification are such that students will develop transferable skills which are valued by both higher education and employers.

BTEC science qualifications and  A-level science qualification provide equivalent UCAS points

Possible career paths include – paramedic, dental nursing, veterinary nursing, lab technicians, teaching (primary and secondary), careers in industry and Businesses.


Jordan Distinction, Wolverhampton Biomedical Science
Amber Distinction, Northampton Occupational Therapy
Olivia Distinction, Sheffield midwifery
Bailey Distinction, Apprenticeship
Mollie Merit, ARU psychology