Year 12 Visits Sizewell B

Springwood High School year 12 students were amongst other sixth formers from several.different Norfolk schools, visiting Sizewell B nuclear power station in Suffolk.
This water-pressure nuclear facility is the only one in the UK of this kind. Its importance to the country's power production is confirmed by the fact that building work has already started to expand the facility by two more reactors. These will be known as Sizewell C. Sizewell C will be a 3.2-gigawatt power station, generating low-carbon electricity for around 6 million homes.
Below are comments from the participants:
Sarah found the site really interesting, particularly regarding future STEM careers offered, including summer work experiences.
Charlie found the tour insightful into the nuclear job sector.
Maciej was surprised by just how many varied opportunities exist within one company.
Airidas mentioned that it's great to see how the power station operates on such a massive scale.
Alyssa described the site as being 'very surreal', seeing it on such a huge scale.
Fenton found it incredible how transparent all the information was, including allowing members of the public on site.
Julia said the staff were extremely knowledgeable and wise, and they all answered questions in an informative and engaging way.