Norfolk County Council's Post-16 Travel Scheme 2019/20

How are you going to travel to Sixth Form in September? Not thought about it, well you need to start thinking about this now!
The best place to start is with Norfolk County Council’s post-16 travel scheme.
This website is especially for prospective students to help make them aware about what they need to think about and how they will get to college or sixth form from September 19.
For details of this scheme can be accessed via their website:
Applications for next year (19/20) can be made now and it is important that students apply as soon as possible.
It is not necessary for a student to wait for their GCSE results in August before they apply. It is far better they apply earlier and if they change their mind on the establishment they wish to go to this is not a problem as we can reassess the application. If they decide to cancel the application too that is not a problem and any money they have paid will be refunded.
In addition to our scheme all local bus and train operators offer discounted tickets for students which are really good value too.