A Record Breaking Year for A Level Students at Springwood High School

Springwood students are celebrating a record year for A’ Level results
Students achieved 73 per cent grades A* to C, 48 per cent A*to B and 21 per cent A* or A.
The highest performing student was Florence Chung who gained 4*A grades in her chosen subjects who will now study at a prestigious Hong Kong University.
There have been many fantastic individual performances including 4 students who are off to study medicine (Kaveeta Malhi – Oxford University, Sam Reynolds – University of East Anglia, Joseph Lawrence – King’s College, London and James Wilkinson – Hull University) and one student, Rebecca Sedgwick who will study Veterinary Medicine at Nottingham University.
Springwood students are also seeking International Challenges with Abigail Peters gaining a full scholarship to study at Columbia University in New York!
Executive Headteacher, Andy Johnson said;
“This has been a phenomenal year for Springwood Sixth Form students. They have all worked incredibly hard alongside our dedicated staff and have seen the fruits of their labour today. The Sixth Form aims to be world class and with two students gaining places to study at world renowned Universities we are achieving this goal”
Chair of Governors, Roger Livesey said;
“The success story of Springwood High School Sixth Form continues. The results achieved by our students this year are simply breath taking. I congratulate all students and staff”
The Norfolk Scholars are;
Leah Bartlett |
Rosamund Gressieux |
Abigail Peters |
Isabel Brown |
Holly Herbert |
Lauren Phillips |
Megan Byatt |
Olivia Hillier |
Rohan Rastogi |
Lauren Carson |
Keeley Irons |
Alexander Read |
Serena Carter |
Daniel Jackson |
Samual Reynolds |
Holly Chen |
Scot Jones |
Toby Rice |
Florence Chung |
Anam Khatri |
Rebecca Sedgwick |
Luke Colbeck-Tate |
Shannon Lee |
Bethany Slack |
Maisie Coldman |
Grace Longmire |
Tijana Stephenson |
Ellen Debney |
Kaveeta Malhi |
Joseph Vayalil-Lawrence |
Ella Doughty |
Ethan Moffat |
JamesWadey |
Daniel Drew |
Evie More |
Lewis Watson |
Alex Florance |
Megan Moore |
Jessica Wells |
Cameron Gibbons |
Eve Norman |
Jasmin Wright |
Oliver Graves |
Chloe Pegg |
Abbie Young |