Coca Cola Youth Event Day

Coca Cola Youth Event Day with mykindafuture at CCEP (Peterborough): Thursday 23rd March 2017
Our day at Coca- Cola was fantastic!! There was about thirty of us on the day and we all took part in various group activities, team building fun games, mock interviews and sales pitches! I really loved how fast paced the day was; there was no messing around or doing long boring activities!! After asking one of the management team, if it was possible, we were taken upstairs to look around the sales office - this really gave us an insight to what working there would be like!
The apprenticeship available is for one year training as sales representative, but we were told that this could extend into many different career opportunities. While this isn’t particularly the route that I want to take I would say to people in Year 12 when the opportunity comes up again- GO FOR IT!! I think it’s important to remember to keep your options open and this experience day really opened up new ideas in my mind. It was such a good day out; we meet fantastic people, developed lots of skills which will help us at both university and in the workplace and of course got loads of free Coke to drink!!
Alesha Jones
NB. As a result of this day, Rhiannon has been offered a place at the Assessment Day in April with the view of being selected for ones the apprenticeship places.