Christmas Bake Off
As part of their fundraising the Sixth Form Social committee organised a Christmas themed Bake Off on 15th December.
Entrants were provided with a Christmassy brief and over 30 students and teachers entered the competition. Over lunch the cakes were judged by Poppy Lee – waitress at the Rathskeller Wine Bar and Bistro, Kings Lynn and ex-Springwood student - and Miss Bradley – who recently had baked a cake for HRH The Duchess of Cambridge! The judges considered taste, flavourings, presentation and how fitting their cakes were to the designated brief.
The proud winner of a voucher to dine at the Rathskeller was Sophie Williamson with her creatively designed snowman shaped cake.
Overall the Social Committee raised around £80 from the Bake Off Sale, Sweet Stand and Hot chocolate sale, these funds will be going to the Year 13 Prom fund.