Sixth Form Induction Days - 5th and 6th July 2016

The 5th and 6th July were our annual induction days for Springwood Sixth Form.
Over Approximately 250 students joined us for the 2 days. They experienced sixth form lessons, attended a question and answer session with the sixth form council and were treated to a performance from the school's band; the wonderful Springettes. Students also had the opportunity to visit enrichment sessions and find out about the Sixth Form's super-curricular offerings; including Duke of Edinburgh Gold and EPQ.
The days ended with a quiz and first showing of the induction day video in a session hosted by Mr Merritt. The next time the students are shown the video it will be on their final day of sixth form and their A Level journey will be almost over.
Students were reminded to confirm their place with the school on GCSE results day by coming in to school, calling 01553 778091 or emailing Students must bring in their results statements when they register with the Sixth Form. A scanned copy of their results statement attached to an email will suffice if they are confirming by email.
Springwood Sixth Form looks forward to welcoming the new year 12s in September and wishes everyone the very best of luck for GCSE results day!
Below is a video presentation of the days events: